Friday, 21 September 2012

Pet Bottle Blowing

In India, the PET bottle blowing Polymer Engineering and Stretch Blow Moulding technology were initially introduced at decreased profile. Commonly used synonym for PET container this day is 'water bottle', the one that basically has a use and throw application. The cost regarding the bottle this day is virtually 3 times that regarding the product mineral h2o cost. This leads to belief that PET bottle blowing processing ought to be a little profile business with little cost of feasibility. While the paradox is, the cost of PET Preforms resin is one and 1/2 times that of conventional plastics resin cost.

Within the minds regarding the glass manufacturer, it was imbibed that, the raw fabric is costlier and the filling application is for the cheapest product on the earth i. This is the very reason the bottle processors were skeptical related to the viability of PET project and hence opted for the little tech, lowest cost machineries and equipments. A well accepted fact this day is that the PET bottle blowing technology is virtually introduced in every wrapping application but still PET processors need to stick up with fallacy of h2o bottle processing techniques and the outdated blowing equipments. With time, resin prices are also on decreasing trend, glass industries are closing down, every day new products are being introduced in PET, concept of wrapping in tin has grow to obsolete; considering these facts and the faster rate of market growth in this sector, its high time to realize the importance of stretch blow molding's PET product quality. In India, one tends to underestimate the outstanding properties of PET.

This has developed the unbalance within the market of quality bottle demand to quality bottle supply ratio. We are still pretending to supply quality pet preforms manufacturers in south asia at little cost with little profile incompetent blowing equipments. The fact is that, all these old tech equipments are at zero depreciation however they cannot be scrapped out due to the fact that the growth potential of PET processing business is being underestimated. Sooner the better, due to the fact that consequently the user market is developing the thinking that getting quality bottle in PET is very difficult task and thinking to turn return to older option. This is the primary fact that wants to be realized by existing and upcoming PET bottle blowing processors.

At the outset, PET is the complex fabric within the family of polymer. It evolves a best deal of elastic and glass thermal behavior. When we refer to comparatively simple and economical two-stage conversion process, the through thickness heating regarding the preform is the crux regarding the process. Since PET has very poor heat conductivity the conventional induction heating process does not work at all. Infact, improper method of heating of PET preform is the root cause of substandard bottle quality.

The PET blow forming process is based on time and heat dependence. Advance heat transfer engineering and sophistica-ted electro-pneumatics system is only capable of converting scientifically heated preform into quality PET bottles. High blowing compression is the essential component for achieving desired strength in blown bottle. But this is not the PET bottle due to the fact that it shall not have those physical properties for which the PET was introduced as economical alternative to conventional wrapping like glass or tin. Worldwide, the PET market is growing in a phased manner.

It started with still and solid filling application to carbonated cold compression filling application to warm filling application. In South asia we are within the mid phase. Unless we perfectionate ourselves in still filling, its still an extended method to handle CSD and warm fill products. PET bottle blowing was referred to like a bottle converter and then grow to processor and now bottle manufacturer. In manufacturing a best deal of process engineering is involved due to the fact that the PET bottle blowing does not follow the versatile logic.

Concept of blowing varies for volume and shape of container, preform material, process followed for injection moulding and filling application. Little vital processes involved are designing and selection of preform, verification of bottle creation and mould, process of heating the preform, concept of blowing, analysis of bottle defects, method of checking the bottles quality and retention of preform and bottle.

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