Thursday 21 June 2012

The Truth Behind 5 Common Bottled H2o Myths

The h2o we sip has a huge impact on our physical health. Pure drinking h2o sends us life and sends our body and organs with vital minerals and nutrients. But opinions differ on what the greatest source for pure drinking h2o should be. Some ponder our tap h2o is probably the safest since it is state supplied. Others, which with a huge majority, trust bottled h2o is the safest and the cleanest.

This story includes 5 myths of bottled h2o and the truth about each one so the reader can make an improved decision on how to obtain the purest drinking water. Myth two Bottled h2o is the cleanest and the safest since the bottled h2o sector claims this in their ads and promotional campaigns. The bottled h2o sector pushes heavy advertising campaigns to public, falsely boasting that bottled h2o is pure h2o containing natural minerals. It creates an image of their product as being the healthiest h2o to drink, many like Earths natural spring water. Truth is that the bottled h2o sector has very little regulations and oversight.

There exists no strict tests to prove bottled h2o is clean, safe or healthy. There exists no testing requirements to prove bottled h2o is cleaner, healthier or safer than tap water. Myth 3 The glass bottle that the h2o is sold in is perfectly safe and the h2o inside is protected from contaminants. Many experts claim that the bottled h2o gets contaminated with the glass by-products. The glass h2o bottles we purchase are many times exposed to warm temperatures.

When glass is heated up it leaks a deadly by-product called Dioxin. The real question we should be asking ourselves is how many Dioxin is released into the h2o and how many is lethal. Myth 4 Bottled h2o is eco-friendly environment friendly due to the fact that the bottle should be recycled and re-used. Reusing glass bottles exposes the user to bacteria and other chemicals that can leak from the damaged glass bottle. Its not just the reuse but the manufacturing regarding the glass bottle that is hazardous.

The resources and pollutants to manufacture and deliver glass bottles with natural gas, crude oil and the transport trucks and train used for distribution. Myth 5 Bottled h2o is better than tap water. Contrary to manufacturers claims there exists no testing requirements to prove bottled h2o is cleaner, healthier or safer than tap water. To sum to our confusion tap h2o and bottled h2o are regulated by 3 different agencies. The Food and Drug Administration regulates bottled h2o while the Environmental Protection Agency regulates tap water.

municipal h2o supplies are many better regulated than the bottled h2o sector like a whole. Myth six Bottled h2o has added minerals and vitamins and is that is why better for your health. Consequently tempting, there exists no actual facts to help the claim of adding minerals and vitamins in bottled water. H2o in its natural shape sends our body with the minerals we need. The added minerals are not significant enough to make an added difference to our body.

These 5 myths are not the only misconceptions of bottled h2o that people have. Subsequently the bottled h2o sector is a multi billion dollar sector and any bad image is quickly disputed by them. It is a huge sector with very little regulation and monitoring. It is up to us to make informed decisions and not get mislead by the false facts provided to us by these money-making labels. In our view, the greatest effective and purest source for drinking h2o is alkaline ionized water, h2o that has gone through a h2o ionizer.

Normal h2o has a neutral pH position of 7. Alkaline h2o has a pH position that is higher than this neutral level. Our body is 70% water. When the pH position in our body gets too little fewer than pH7 it causes little energy, fatigue, excess weight, aches, pains, acidity within the stomach and more serious well-being problems. The greatest favorable pH position is spoke about to be slightly on the alkaline side that is pH 7.

The greatest method to make sure our body has a well pH balance and an optimum life position is by drinking alkaline ionized water. It is electrically charged, has force antioxidant properties, washes toxins and neutralizes excess acidity in our bodies.

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