Sunday 20 May 2012

Warming The Kettle

During the month of May, as the tea business began to stretch and settle into its lethargic summer state, the telephone rang with an exciting new prospect: an online radio show, revolving entirely around tea. We were approached by the Food Radio Network, and they had heard that I was a guy who knew little bit regarding the tea sector apparently they also figured out that I like to talk, probably little higher than I should, Manish begins. Such was the beginning of our first episode, entitled Warming the Kettle, in which Manish verbally did just that- prepped the audience for the coming talk of tea. Why devote a radio display to this one, simple beverage? Is there really enough to be spoke about about tea? This was Manish's first instinct, but upon a bit of thought and brainstorming the answer came as an astounding yesfrankly, there exists many misconceptions and misunderstanding regarding the drink, and it should be our goal to shed them, one by one, and let listeners to skills development the simple joy that tea drinkers many times take for granted. The tagline for the show, Receiving Return Teatime, holds true.

We do not expect listeners to settle in with fine china and bite-sized treats for a classy listen, nor do we hope for a ceremonial, spiritual listen. We are receiving tea return to basicsleaves, warm water, a cup, and most importantly, youthe person who shall like it. So sequential to warm our kettle, so to speak, Manish devoted the inaugural episode to introductions, as is customary. He slowly unravels a tale of his personal history, from New York to Tucson, from a degree in psychology to a career in marketing, and from Maya Tea's humble one-product beginnings to all-encompassing tea business that we have become. The tea sector has changed very many within the past ten years.

When I first started out, everything was sort of standardEnglish Breakfast, Earl Greythe various and the creativity was just starting to blossom, Manish reminisces. Now, the sector thrives on vibrant, varietal flavors and artistic blends, which he likens to wine market. When you try to decide a wine and you look along the shelves, there exists numerous choices, all kinds of wine: whites, reds, different countries, different grapes, different years and appellations, and it goes on and on but at the grocery store, you ponder I just need a bottle of good wine'. Manish intends to simplify the dense market that tea has grow to for his listeners. When it returns below to it, the ultimate purpose is enjoyment, and everyone deserves to like an excellent cup of tea.

On that note, within the final segment of our first episode Manish turns his attention to tea itself as he answers first question from the audience. Prior to recording regarding the episode, we had asked our Facebook followers to give us with a tea-related question which we should answer. For over a week, we had not one response. Manish began to sort through his memories for the more frequent questions that he has answered over the years, and at final he had settled on one: How ought a general tea drinker transition to tea? Then, lo and behold, the following morning a question appeared on our Facebook page, written as follows: Whether you were trying to change from being primarily a tea drinker to drinking more tea, what teas should you recommend and what preparation methods? The irony was not lost on us. And fatefully so, Manish answered the question.

You can all should release an ear, however, to uncover his answer. Welcome to our radio show, and welcome as well to first of a series of blogs recapping it. We look forward to Steeping Around with you. To listen to Warming the Kettle, click here.

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